Who should take TPS Training courses?
Everyone who works on or around electrical equipment
Journeyman Electricians
Apprentice Electricians
Electrical Technologists
Electronics Technologists
Master Electricians
Journeyman Instrument Mechanics
Electrical Engineers
Course Outcomes
Industry accepted standards
Workplace Electrical Safety Standard CSA Z462
Employees trained to recognize hazards
Focus on improved maintenance, awareness and prevention
We can deliver our standard training programs or customize any training program for your site-specific requirements.
Training programs may be delivered:
Online Instructor-led
On-site anywhere in Canada
Contact training@teampowersolutions.ca for more information.
Recognizing and understanding electrical hazards
Proper procedures
Control risk of electric shock
Control risk of arc flash and arc blast
Building competence and confidence
Lack of knowledge is one of the greatest risks workers face, impacting worker safety, facility integrity and the bottom line